Two Niles to Sing a Melody: The Violins & Synths of Sudan 3LP NEW
Two Niles to Sing a Melody: The Violins & Synths of Sudan 3LP
Ostinato Records
Beautifully compiled tracks from Ostinato Records, delving in to the golden-era of Sudanese music, from the 1970’s to the 1990’s, when Sudanese music was condemned by hardline politics.
A1. Emad Sayyah* Al Bareedo Ana (The One I Love) 6:42 / A2. Abdel El Aziz Al Mubarak* Ma Kunta Aarif Yarait (I Wish I Had Known) 7:56 / B1. Kamal Tarbas Min Ozzalna Seebak Seeb (Forget Those That Divide Us) 6:31 / B2. Madjzoub Ounsa Arraid Arraid Ya Ahal (Love, Love Family) 4:50 / B3. Khojali Osman Malo Law Safeetna Inta (What If You Resolve What’s Between Us?) 5:05 /
C1. Zaidan Ibrahim* Ma Hammak Azabna (You Don’t Care About My Suffering) (Live) 4:47 / C2. Saied Khalifa Igd Allooli (The Pearl Necklace) 4:28 / C3. Taj Makki* Ma Aarfeen Nagool Shino! (We Don’t Know What to Say!) 5:32 / D1. Hanan Bulu Bulu* Alamy Wa Shagiya (My Pain And Suffering) (Live) 3:32 / D2. Abdelmoniem Ekhaldi Droob A Shoag (Paths To Love) 5:28 / D3. Samira Dunia Galbi La Tahwa Tani (My Heart, Don’t Fall In Love Again) 4:34 /
E1. Mohammed Wardi* Al Sourah (The Photo) 9:04 / E2. Abdullah Abdelkader Al Zaman Zamanak (It’s Your Time) 6:11 / F1. Mustafa Modawi & Ibrahim El Hassan Al Wilaid Al Daif (The Youth Who Came As A Guest) 7:74 / F2. Ibrahim El Kashif* Elhabeeb Wain? (Where Is My Sweetheart?) 1:56 / F3. Mohammed Wardi* Al Mursal (The Messenger) 11:35