T. Gowdy – Therapy With Colour LP NEW
T. Gowdy – Therapy With Colour LP
Constellation Records
The Constellation debut by Montréal-based producer and sound artist T. Gowdy. whose sublime audio/visual performances have featured at MUTEK and Spektrum (Berlin), alongside three previous releases of sublimely textured, predominantly ambient electronic music Therapy With Colour is Gowdy’s most sonically and conceptually acute work to date, inspired by experiments with the Nova Pro 100 Light and Sound Mind Machine. For Gowdy, the ritualized therapeutic reprogramming of consciousness promised by this device has two primary personal dimensions: “to explore psychological ‘debiasing’ and decorrelation of narratives that exist within my familial, intimate and economic relationships; to let flow neutral communication with the self and others” and to circumvent the temporal blockages endemic to DAWs and the computer-based editing that governs production of most electronic music. The album’s five tracks are extracted from live, linear, real-time stereo recordings that have their origins in an audio/visual collaboration between Gowdy and light artist Laura Buckley (whose scanner artwork features on the album cover and packaging). The resulting music is indeed meditative, but eschewing gauzy New Age or environmental music tropes and instead conveying the rigour and empiricism of controlled experiments. Consistent with theories of ‘mind machine’ brainwave synchronization, these tracks involve oscillating, shimmering Minimalist pulse and techno-adjacent rhythm that reward active listening, while working equally well as dissociative concentration music. From the day Gowdy dropped this record on us a few months ago, devoid of context or background notes, we’ve probably listened to it more than anything else – not realizing we’d been self-medicating. But we can see things so much more clearly now. Deluxe vinyl limited to 300 for indie retail.