Spirit – The Family That Plays Together LP NEW
Spirit – The Family That Plays Together LP
Recent reissue.
Sundazed Records
On this, the second Spirit album, the group put all of the elements together that made them the legendary (and underrated) band that they were. Jazz, rock & roll, and even classical elements combined to create one of the cleanest, most tasteful syntheses of its day. The group had also improved measurably from their fine debut album, especially in the area of vocals. The album’s hit single, “I Got a Line on You,” boasts especially strong harmonies as well as one of the greatest rock riffs of the period. The first side of this record is a wonderful and seamless suite, and taken in its entirety, one of the greatest sides on Los Angeles rock. The CD reissue also boasts some excellent bonus tracks. “So Little to Say” is one of Jay Ferguson’s finest compositions ever, and the jazz-inspired instrumentals such as “Fog” and “Space Chile” showcase pianist John Locke as one of the most inspired and lyrical players in the rock idiom to date. All in all, a classic album and a true landmark.